Media Player Controls - controls for audio descriptions, but not for captions

Test Case Summary

Test Case ID


Test Case Description

Detect existence of controls for captions and audio description for the synchronized media player.

The code sample contains audio description controls but no caption controls for synchronized media player. A successful test should identify a fail for Baseline 17.1-MediaPlayerCCADControls.

Applicable ICT Baseline Test

17.1 Test Procedure for Media Player Controls

Baseline Test ID: 17.1-MediaPlayerCCADControls

Test Instruction: 1

Test Case Detail

Expected Baseline Result


The media player has no control for captions.

Test Data

Single-Page URL

Embedded Code


Test Case Instruction

Test Instruction Instruction Detail Expected Test Case Result
IC-1 Media player that displays video with synchronized audio. There is a media player.
17.1-1 Check that user controls for the selection of captions and audio descriptions are provided. [Section 508 503.4] Fail, no control for captions
Result If any of the above checks fail, then Baseline Requirement 17.1-MediaPlayerCCADControls fails. Fail