ICT Baseline Test: Keyboard Access (TTv5 4.A)
Test Case Type:
Apply accessibility rules against this page and interpret results as indicated in the Interpreting Test Results section below.
(Fail): The scrollable region below fails for keyboard access. You can use a mouse to get to, scroll, and view content in the region however you cannot navigate to the region or scroll it with keyboard alone (updated):
Failure! You Cannot Scroll With Keyboard |
(Pass): The scrollable region below passes for keyboard access. You can navigate to the scrollable region, and once focused, you can use arrow keys to scroll and view its contents:
Pass! You Can Scroll With Keyboard |
Note:The Firefox browser does not fail under Scenario 1 with a lack of keyboard access. IE11, Chrome, and Edge however do.
The ICT Testing Baseline interprets Scenario 1 as a failure for the Keyboard Access baseline test. Scenario 2 passes. The degree to which test results with an alternative rule agrees with these results is the degree to which that rule aligns with the baseline.
Validated? [YES] - Test Case | Updated: Saturday 03/07/2020 9:14 PM | Template Version: 03/02/2020 12:29a